LIV. All About Control. August 28, 2020

>driving Lyft

>pick up Boomer father and teenage son

>Boomer father looks like Paulie Walnuts

>talks like him too

>Jersey Yankees for sure

>kid has on a mask

>Boomer does not

>I say “you gotta put on a mask, man”

>this sets him off

>”Oh for fuck’s sake, this mask shit again!

>”Buddy, you don’t BELIEVE this Covid shit? This hoax? It’s a fucking hoax!”

>I say “It’s whatever man, I’m just doing what they told me.”

>Boomer gestures to his son like he just proved the existence of God

>”You see this guy? That’s the fucking problem. They’re controlling you, buddy. This is all about control. Bill Gates and all those billionaires? They just want to control us.”

>I say “You gotta cover your nose too”

>now he’s mad

>”This fucking guy. You don’t even know how much they control you buddy. Remember SARS? SARS? They didn’t have all these masks and fucking vaccines for SARS. You need to ask yourself why.”

>I am tired of listening to his TED Talk

>I say, “I don’t know, man. I’m just out here trying to make some money.”

>Boomer gets serious for a second

>actually claps me on the shoulder

>says “I know buddy, I know.”

>I say “So why are you telling me all this?”

>”Because you need to KNOW. You need to know how you’re being controlled.”

>I say “I know all that. I have the internet.”

>Boomer has no time to respond

>we have arrived at the Mexican restaurant

>and he had to jump out quick to go yell at the host about masks

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