XLVII. AITA. August 4, 2020

>driving Lyft

>take this lady to daycare to get her granddaughter

>lady is wearing a mask

>I wait maybe ten minutes in the parking lot

>lady comes out with toddler

>toddler has no mask

>I say the kid needs a mask to ride

>she informs me that they already done BEEN riding all around here on Lyfts and nobody EVER told her about no mask

>I tell her that none of those drivers was me

>she gets big mad

>but instead of yelling at me, she makes a phone call

>”You’re gonna have to come get me at the daycare!”

>”Because dude out here saying the baby can’t ride without a mask!”

>”The FUCK you mean why she ain’t got a mask?”

>”Cause we done BEEN riding around all day and nobody said we NEEDED no mask!”

>kid has no idea what is going on, starts to scream and cry

>bye now

>I’m glad I ain’t whoever she calls at Lyft

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