XXXVII. Real Tough Guy. June 18, 2020

>driving Lyft

>pick up this guy standing amongst some rundown condos

>he looks like a tough guy

>not a pretend tough guy

>an honest-to-god tough guy

>probably the leader of a bunch of tough guys

>the kind of guy with whom it is in one’s best interest never to fuck

>perhaps a denizen of the Salty Spitoon

>old lady leans out of an upper window

>starts waving, says “Bye Ronald! You have a good day! Be safe and be good! I love you!”

>tough guy yells “I will, grandma! I love you too! Be back this afternoon!”

>off we go

>I say “I swear, most of us would be dead if it wasn’t for grandmas”

>Ronald says “Man, you ain’t never lie”

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