LXXIV. Not Your Uber. April 17, 2021


>not for Lyft

>I have a new car

>a 2018 Prius

>which means I also have a new and very visible Lyft sticker

>I stop for gas in BFE eastern Virginia

>a lady gets in my front seat

>says “Oh Lord I didn’t think y’all’d EVER get here”

>I say “No lady, I’m just…some guy”

>lady says “This ain’t my Uber?”

>I stare

>she leaves

One thought on “LXXIV. Not Your Uber. April 17, 2021

  1. Hope Mccormick
    Hope Mccormick says:

    That’s one way to pick up chicks, I guess. Lord have mercy. Lol

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