LXXV. Cartoon Alien. April 17, 2021

>driving Lyft

>pick up this Black dude with impressive dreadlocks

>he says he likes my Prius

>I say “Yeah, it’s a good car to have with these high gas prices”

>dude says “You can blame Biden for that.”

>”Really? Why?”

>”Man, you didn’t know? He banned all oil drilling. That’s the first thing he did when he got in office. More of that environmental bullshit.”

> “No way! He banned drilling for oil?”

>”Sure did. Man, thousands of people lost they jobs. Texas is bout ready to go up there and take care of him for it.”

>”I mean, I thought they banned fracking or whatever, but they stopped all of it?”

>”All of it, man. Shit’s fucked up. Nobody is drilling anywhere. That’s why gas is so high.”

>”Oh, wow. I had not heard that. That’s crazy. I’m gonna ask Siri about it.”

>Siri shows me a Wikipedia page about global oil production

>I say “This here says the US leads the world in oil production.”

>dude laughs

>”Man, come on now. You can’t trust Wikipedia. They already control Wikipedia.”

>”Holy shit! I swear I thought the news would say something. That’s a really big deal.”

>”You can’t trust none of that news. CNN, Fox, whatever. They control it all.”

>”Oh, man. Well, where can I go to get the truth? How did you find out?”

>”Youtube. They control a lot of Youtube, but not all of it. Some people can still tell the truth, but they be shutting them down left and right.”

>”What should I look up?”

>”I don’t even know the name of it, but it’s on Youtube, if they haven’t already shut it down. There’s this cartoon where this alien explains American government. I’m telling you man, it lays it all out. Super easy to understand. You gotta check it out. I’m telling you it will blow your mind when you see what they be getting away with.”

>I promised him I would check it out

>I will not check it out

One thought on “LXXV. Cartoon Alien. April 17, 2021

  1. Sean Hannigan
    Sean Hannigan says:

    Well, at least you got him to cite his source. I imagine he will live on as an example for students not to follow. At least the Biden’s don’t yet control all the cartoon aliens.

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