LXXVII. Unicorn Kid. April 29, 2021
>driving Lyft
>I finally catch my unicorn at 7:10pm on a Thursday
>he does not come in a form I expect
>my unicorn is a teenager
>a Black kid
>no way he’s old enough to drink
>looks and dresses like The Weeknd, but more Chris Tucker-ish
>I, of course, look like Chris Stapleton survived a zombie apocalypse holed up in a brewery
>we make a silly pair, my unicorn and I
>my unicorn proves his unicornity
>when I ask him if we are really going to Orlando
>and he says “Yeah man! You know that’s how we do!”
>so I have scored a four-hour Lyft ride
>244 minutes, saith the app
>which will mean $246
>more than I normally make in two days
>I tell him how appreciative I am
>how his is my record longest Lyft ride by far
>he says “That’s whassup” and puts his headphones on
>and nothing happens
>we say fewer than twenty words over four hours
>my unicorn sleeps most of the way
>I am an X Holden Caulfield driving a Zoomer Phoebe
>at one point he borrows my charger
>at another point I stop for gas and he gets food at the Wendy’s
>he is listening to music
>I am not
>I drop him off around midnight at some nameless, cookie-cutter apartment
>and that’s it
>my unicorn story is a boring story
>but it makes for a damn good headline
And you did not call the police.