LXXXI. Buy Some Bud. July 23, 2021

>driving Lyft

>pick up this Black dude at his house

>roundtrip to the smoke shop

>in the parking lot, there’s this South Asian kid

>driving a top-down convertible BMW

>kid’s in his parking space all crooked

>during his attempt to fix this

>he near about backs into me

>this makes the kid big mad

>cuss words, gesticulations, and so forth

>so I park two open spaces away

>my passenger gets out and goes inside

>I roll down my windows

>and I make a big deal out of taking off my mask

>and staring at the kid

>I look like the kind of guy who could compliment his purty mouth

>and be very insistent about it

>a little weaponizin’ o’ the stereotypes, doncha know

>just for fun

>the kid puts up the top

>rolls up the windows

>and takes his time getting out

>all the while never looking at me once

>on his way into the store

>the kid meets my passenger coming out

>they exchange a few words

>my passenger falls apart laughing

>gets in the car laughing

>says “That kid asked me for weed, man

>“He was all ‘excuse me sir, may I buy some bud?’

>”I mean the fuck man?”



>the fuck indeed

One thought on “LXXXI. Buy Some Bud. July 23, 2021

  1. Sean Hannigan
    Sean Hannigan says:

    I liked how you put this: a little weaponizin’ o’ the stereotypes, doncha know

    >just for fun

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