CII. That Football. May 18, 2022
>driving Lyft
>pick up this old guy
>drive him down Gaines Street
>Gaines Street is the Canyon of Heroes
>if the Canyon was a Wadi with Craft Mac and Cheese
>and Heroes meant anyone whose dad totally owns a dealership in Miami
>he says “I was born and raised just down that hill right there
> “all this out here used to be railroad tracks
>”all these apartments was storage for the trains
>”you could come out here and see boxcars, cabooses, all stacked up
>”right there on the corner, there was a nightclub called The Electric Eye
>”you talking bout hanging out? Whoo! We’d do some hanging out there, lemme tell you!
>”When I was a kid I’d go up the hill to the stadium where the football players was practicing
>”and I’d hide right over there
>”sometimes they’d kick the ball, you know, and it would come over to where I was
>”so I’d jump out, get the ball, and take off down that hill
>”they couldn’t catch me
>”and they wouldn’t never see that football again neither”