CXI. TCS. April 8, 2023

>driving Lyft

>I take a teacher out to Tallahassee Classical School

>I know she’s a teacher because of the badge she wears

>she does not talk to me, so I stay quiet

>TCS has been in the news lately

>it seems that, unlike Jonathan of old

>they do not enjoy the sight of David’s penis

>the campus is one big building and a playground

>it stands alone in the middle of a treeless, cleared field

>I’ve been to a dozen wedding receptions in buildings exactly like it

>they exist behind  every Southern church that saved up to build them

>but reached their goal sometime after 2008

>pole barn-ish, but not a pole barn

>there is a long line of cars leading out to the place

>it seems like a typical school drop-off line

>I stop near a sign that says “Home of the Archers”

>and proclaims a partnership with Hillsdale College

>my passenger thanks me and gets out

>she hikes the rest of the way alone

>literally no one else is leaving a car

>I see no children being dropped off

>the line of cars does not move

>minutes pass

>suddenly a horn sounds

>all car doors except mine open simultaneously

>children of all sizes, colors and ages get out

>they are all dressed in those stereotypical Catholic-school uniforms

>they line up in near silence and march into the school

>only when they are gone does the car line move

>interpret this as y’all will, but to me

>it was some Village of the Damned type shit

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