CXX. Versus Miami. December 30, 2023
>driving Lyft
>it’s gameday
>FSU versus Miami
>I am stuck on Pensacola Street
>bumper to bumper past the sorority houses
>in my backseat I have four obnoxiously drunk FSU college girls
>I have the pleasure of their company for a half hour
>how I hate them
>when they are not comparing the hotness of each other’s male relatives
>they are yelling into a phone saying they aren’t going to Pike
>”fuck you Nicole we’re not going to fucking Pike!” says one
>”yeah we’re at the stadium you bitch not Pike” says another
>there is much shoving and scooting and grabbing of phones
>one sees four large dudes walk by wearing Miami gear
>she hangs out the window
>”Hey fuck Miami! Fuck you guys and fuck Miami!”
>through gritted teeth, I say “Please do not draw unwanted attention to the car”
>this works not at all
>but I manage to get lucky twice
>the Miami guys continue walking despite the abuse
>and the girls see somebody they know on the other side of the street
>and just go tumbling out into traffic