XXXIII. Cart-Warden. April 19, 2020
>driving Lyft
>yep, I’m back
>teachers in the summer need that money
>got my mask and my Lysol
>picked up a kid from WalMart
>he was happy to be off after ten hours
>said he had to wear a mask the whole time and it sucks, dude
>said he had to deal with this one guy
>old-ass white guy, dude
>he hung around the store for HOURS
>just watching the guys in the parking lot gather shopping carts
>then he came in to tell me that they weren’t wiping down the carts
>I assured him they did
>they wiped down every cart they brought in
>I know because they have cameras and check on stuff like that
>but the guy wouldn’t quit
>he tried to show me a notebook where he had written down every time they didn’t wipe a cart
>wanted me to call the general manager
>all I could do was tell him that we wiped off the carts
>all he did was get madder and madder
>I said, “So what happened with him?”
>Kid says, “Dude I don’t give a FUCK. I’m off.”