XXXIX. Ecce Homo. July 2, 2020
>driving Lyft
>this lady gets in,says “Ooo-ee! You DJ Khaled!”
>accent is very thick and very Haitian
>she sounded like she had decided to cook and eat French
>but French wouldn’t quit trying to crawl away
>”DJ Khaled! I got in and say that DJ Khaled. You look just like!”
>this tickles her to no end
>she laughs
>it is the wholesomest and giggliest grown-woman laugh that ever did laugh
>magical, this laugh
>a choir of Audrey Hepburns
>I say, “Well, I guess it could be worse.”
>that laugh again
>”Ooo-ee you right you right! Could be worse!”
>when she gets out
>she says “DJ Khaled drive a Lyft! Bye DJ Khaled!”
>sweet lady