LXI. Curse of God. October 10, 2020

>driving Lyft

>midnight on a Friday

>stopped at a redlight on the corner of Dewey and Tennessee

>drunken white college kids are circling the McDonald’s like it’s the Kaaba

>homeless dude leans in my open window

>says “Hey man, lemme get a couple of dollars”

>I say “Sorry, I ain’t got no cash on me, man”

>which was true

>he is not happy with my response

>he backs up and points at me with a Baron Samedi look on his face

>”I AM GOD!” he yells, “when you die I will eat your fucking eyeballs and burn you in the fire!”

>great, dude

>now tell me something I don’t already know

One thought on “LXI. Curse of God. October 10, 2020

  1. Will Alley

    Omfg. I’m dead. Your stories are hilarious and I can’t imagine the amount of uncomfortableness you have gone through doing this.

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