XC. King. December 7, 2021

>driving Lyft

>I pick up this little kid, about four or five, and his mother

>kid says “Hello, driver. My name is King”

>I say “Well hey, little man, how you doing?”

>”I said my name is King”

>his mother says “Boy hush! Talking like that!”

>”No worries, King. Sorry I used the wrong name. Where are we going?”

>”To get my billytonics”


>I roll my window down, let the breeze in

>King says “Are you trying to make me cold?”

>his mother says “Boy you need to hush! Ain’t nobody trying to make you cold!”

>I roll up the window anyway

>King says “Driver, do you have my buryolix?”

>”Do I have the what now?”

>”My barryoryx”

>his mother says “No baby, he don’t have your Baryonyx; we gotta go to Target for that”

>”Well they better have my Baryonyx”

>Target, I hope y’all have predatory therapods in stock

>King’s on his way

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