XCVI. Captain D’s. February 4, 2022

>driving Lyft

>stop for lunch at Captain D’s

>the car in front of me turns the wrong way down an access road

>just as another car turns down the road in the correct way

>Symplegades ahoy

>there is much grinding and screeching

>I park at a suitable distance

>eat my fish

>watch the show

>I make sure to wave whenever anyone looks at me

>four college-aged Black girls pour out of the wrong-way car

>almost immediately two more cars pull up, out of which pour an equal number of college-aged Black girls

>this makes an even dozen now milling about in the parking lot

>nobody seems to be mad

>one girl is crying, one is consoling her

>two or three examine the cars and talk about how fucked up it all is

>one girl calls the cops

>most are recording everything

>I never see the driver of the correct-way car

>I watch a couple of the girls attempt communication with whoever it is

>but the heavily tinted windows stay up

>the passenger, a middle-aged white lady, gets out exactly once

>makes a beeline into the smokeshop next door

>buys a bunch of stuff

>and gets back in the car

>all of a sudden

>a white Chevy Tahoe attempts a correct turn into Captain D’s

>only to be prevented by the mingled cars

>one of the girls laughs and says “uuup, can’t get no fish today, bitch”

>the Tahoe window rolls down

>large Black woman leans out and yells “Who the fuck you callin bitch, you skanky ho?”


>once my uncle told me a story about snorkeling in the Keys

>he said he once saw a school of barracudas all turn at once and stare at him

>as if by some secret signal, some shared desire to tear and destroy


>so turn and so stare the ladies in the Captain D’s parking lot

>for the briefest of seconds there is quiet

>and then there is uproar

>the dread Furies descend upon the Tahoe with the foulest of oaths

>the Cyclops rises to meet her harriers, and would have done so with much relish

>but her driver makes the best choice and peels away down Orange Avenue

>that noise was enough to bring the workers out of Captain D’s

>I say they should hang out

>because this is better than a movie

>so we all watch until the cop shows up

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