CXXVII. Douchebag. July 25, 2024
>driving Lyft
>I compose an open letter to the douchebag
>in the black Charger with the neon running lights
>who no doubt spent an awful lot of money installing jet engines on his car
>only to decide that jet engines were not nearly loud and obnoxious enough
>and so enlisted the help of some fucking war criminal
>whose mad-scientist muffler technology got him banned from nearly every Asian country
>and who has probably seen Tokyo Drift 800 times
>to build him an exhaust system that sounds like Cthulhu fucking a battleship
>with no other purpose but to make the living envy the deaf
>dear sir
>you made your car loud on purpose
>I hate you
>everybody at this redlight hates you
>Vin Diesel hates you
>no one is any moister for what you have done
>no one wishes to be like you
>no one wishes to know you at all
>most of our wishes involve your hilarious humiliation
>we hope you swerve into a cop car and shit yourself
>we hope you rear-end an ice-cream truck and a bunch of clowns jump out and beat your ass
>we hope a bunch of teenage Japanese girls point at you and laugh and you don’t ever know what they’re saying, even when the Youtube video comes out, because the captions are bleeped
>I suggest you find a new, quieter hobby
>if, for example, you tried reading comic books
>you would learn that the Joker and Harley Quinn have never once Backed the Blue
>or you might try watching anime
>because Inuyasha probably ain’t one for Blue-Backing either
>and Monkey D. Luffy has active warrants
>Tamar, have you ever watched the show?
>if your new hobbies teach you to be ashamed of your decals
>and your new focus keeps you from noise-polluting Tallahassee
>this could be interpreted as personal growth
>an evolving of sorts, from douchebag into non-douchebag
>the hero becomes a better man, sort of thing
>but you won’t do it
>so I hate you