>driving Lyft >rocking out to Alestorm >passenger has those earbud things in >he says something >I hear only Alestorm >he repeats himself >I still don’t viddy >I turn off Alestorm…
Category: Uncategorized
>driving Lyft >it’s like 9:30 in the morning >I pick up this lady who says she is late for work >but then we see McDonald’s and she wants to stop…
>driving Lyft >I have a new friend in the front seat >my wife gave me a life-size, anatomically correct decorative skeleton >he rides with me now >we named him Rowdy…
>driving Lyft >midnight on a Friday >stopped at a redlight on the corner of Dewey and Tennessee >drunken white college kids are circling the McDonald’s like it’s the Kaaba >homeless…
>driving Lyft >listening to the radio >one of those corporate hard rock stations >days of five fingered motionless chemical shinedown or whatever >it’s fine >this is fine >but then they…
>driving Lyft >stopped at a redlight on Gaines Street >my phone informs me Ruth Bader Ginsburg died >I look up >a man wearing an inflatable Patrick Star costume is trying…
>driving Lyft >a new chicken place opened up on Adams >attractive young Black lady is in the parking lot >she is waving a hand-drawn sign that says “FREE DARK SNACK”…
>driving Lyft >I am called out once again to the forest primeval >I turn onto a dirt road >it is the surface of Mars >there are pot bunkers and sand…
>driving >not for Lyft >taking Lucy to the doctor for a checkup >she is almost five >Youtube is playing what it believes to be my favorite songs over the Bluetooth…
>driving Lyft >got this white lady back there >probably my age >kinda matronly >she proceeds to drop the n-word during her description of some hairs she found in my backseat…